


Adventures in South Korea - Week #3

안녕하세요! It's me again, rocking skirts and tzitzit in a far away land! I know, two posts back to back, but I forgot to post last week's post last week...so week two and three are on top of each other. Ah well! Let's get on with it. :D

Busan Aquarium:

 We kicked off the week on 1st Day (Sunday) by going to Busan Aquarium in....Busan! Somehow, after walking a few blocks from the parking to the aquarium, we forgot a key item in our travels (money) in the car, so while my father and brother went back to get it, my mother, my son and I checked out the beach. 

The Sea of Japan (or the Eastern Sea, as the Koreans call it, you know, because they hate Japan) was beautiful...it was raining just slightly and it was overcast...so beautiful. I think that might have been my favorite part, just walking up to the edge of the ocean and touching the sea. :)

Inside the aquarium was amazing as well...so many things to see: feeding the penguins and sharks..jellyfish, giant crabs, and fish I have never seen before. My son adored it!

My son looking at the sharks.      
Beef & Leaf/The Nakdong River Bridge:

Beef and leaf...yum, yum, yum! I could go on about this forever. It's availible on just about any street in South Korea. In the middle of your table there is a deep cooking area in which you cook beef, veggies, and mushrooms to wrap up in either a lettuce leaf or a mint leaf...and of course, you MUST dip it in sesame oil and salt. You can eat it in one bite..and it is so, so good.

After dinner, we went down the road to the Nakdong River to walk across the re-built bridge that was destroyed by the Americans to keep the North Korean from crossing into Gumi/Daegu during the Korean War. Since then, some adjustments have been made, such as building it out of metal and lighting it up at night. My brother and I sprinted about a fourth of the bridge just for the fun of it...just reminds me of how much I love being in shape. 

Beef and leaf!
Footbridge across the Nakdong River.

Buddist Temple on Hill 303/Jagosan:
While I have no interest in pagan Buddhism, I really wanted to see the temple on the side of Hill 303/Mt. Jagosan myself. So my mother, my son and I hiked the way. This particular route cuts through some farm land, passes a bunch of thousand year old graves to the temple. It was really a spectacular hike. We didn't stay long in the temple, just enough to snap a few pictures and leave...but I think my favorite part had to be the stream running down from the mountain. You could drink from it...ahh, it was delicous! This was only about 1/4 of the way up the mountain.

Drinking from the mountain stream.

"I am Yahuah your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery. You have no other mighty ones against My face. You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the havens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth, you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, Yahuah your Elohim am a jealous El..." - Shemoth 20:1-5

We Made It - Mt. Jagosan!

So, finally, we decided to climb to the top of Hill 303/Mt. Jagosan. And we made it! Hoo boy...I'm just going to tell this story in pictures.

Only about fifteen minutes on the hike and Waegwan is barely visible through the fog when you look through the trees.

Looking down...hoo boy.
We needed to get to that peak.

This stretch of the hike was in between the two hills...so so so nice. A great breather for my legs...they were burning!

Getting closer to the peak! That's the Nakdong River, closer to Gumi. Waegwan is on the OTHER side of the mountain, where we came from.

Wearing jeans...I know, but my jean skirt was in the wash from the previous hike. But still rocking those tzitzit! Makes you wonder if tzitzit have ever been on that mountain before. Sobering thought.

From the tippy top of the mountain! It was so foggy...

We did it! With 27lbs on my back...big boy!
Can't wait to go back up on a sunnier day!

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