


Discovering the Difference Between Birthing Experiences

I just wanted to post something really quickly about enjoying childbirth.

I love giving birth. I love labor.

I have told this to people and I've gotten all sorts of looks. And it made me wonder, "Why is that?"

But then I realized that my experience is TOTALLY different from most women today.

Here are some differences:

Me: I was surrounded by people who loved me and who encouraged me through labor.

Them: I was either alone or with a doctor.

Me: I could eat and drink as much as I wanted.

Them: I couldn't eat/drink anything -- was hooked up to an IV.

Me: I was in the comfort of my own home, able to move around as I wanted. I could lie in my bed, sit on a birth ball, walk around outside, get on my hands and knees, squat, kneel on the couch, etc.

Them: I was on my back. For hours.

Me: I got in and out of the shower/birth tub. As soon as I hit the water, I was relaxed.

Them: There was no option to be in water.

Me: I took 9 months to teach myself relaxation techniques including changing position, vocalization, chanting, and imagery.

Them: Medication was my only means for relaxation.

Me: We got to listen to the baby intermittently with a fetoscope/doppler, so I wasn't strapped down.

Them:  I was strapped to my bed with a monitor on my belly at all times.

Me: I could use the bathroom whenever I wanted.

Them: I had a catheter. 

Me: I could speed up labor by kissing my husband!

Them: ....what?

Me: I could sway, dance, rock on a ball to help me be in tune with the power of my contractions or "surges". It felt like a super powerful wave that I just had to ride and be one with. And then when it was over it was over.

Them: It was super painful because I couldn't move and wasn't encouraged to be "one" with my contractions.

Me: My midwife was so supportive, was always with me, and said amazing affirmations like, "It can't be any bigger than you because it IS you."

Them: My doctor arrived at the very end of labor and didn't' offer any loving support.

Me: My birthing environment was dimly lit with soft voices and music.

Them: My hospital room was bright and noisy, with strangers coming and going all the time.

I can see now exactly WHY so many women don't own their birthing experience -- I wouldn't want to talk about the experience they had either, if it were me!

I also understand that the end prize is your baby, but the WAY you labor and the WAY you birth truly defines the relationship you have with that child.

You can enjoy birth. YES -- it CAN be painful, but the pain is just you.

Are you afraid of yourself? 

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