A Rant on Society
June 29th, 2012 -- Preparation Day
Just a quick little rant. Nothing personal to anyone. :)
NOTE: THIS NOT TO JUDGE ANYONE. :) Many women have different situations in life that they have to deal with! Not everyone can be a stay-at-home mother. A lot of women have to put their children in day-care, and that's okay! But this is simply my personal rant towards people who judge me for my decisions over many things: to stay home, to not vaccinate, and to consider my husband my headship. That's all! <3
Yes. I didn't go to college. No, I never slept around before I got married. I've been married almost two years at twenty and I have a 7 month old son. This does not mean that I'm uneducated. It means that I'm not going to spend years and endless amounts of money on a degree that doesn't really mean anything in my true field of expertice: being a wife, homemaker, and mother! It means that I don't subscribe to waiting until you're thirty or so to have children when my body is in it's prime to give birth! This is what I was made for.
I don't celebrate Christmas or Easter. I use the Set-Apart Names to describe my Heavenly Father and Messiah. I'm modest and that's WEIRD to most people! I go into the grocery store with my head covered and my tzitzits on the four corners of my garment and I get odd looks every time. This does not mean that I'm a part of some sort of a "cult". It means that I do not blindly accept the "Mystery Religion" of the day and that I can think for myself. I don't need a "man in a tie telling a lie" to give me instruction. I have one Teacher. He is the Messiah.
I'm going to home school and not vaccinate my children. Yes, multiple children. You can close your mouth now. :)
To continue my tangent...what's with the "standards" we set for women in today's society? Go to work, drop your kid off at day-care, be a good patient when you go to your MD (which, of course, stands for Minor Deity) and blindly accept their sage advice. You must thrust yourself into the world of men and "prove" yourself to it.
And then there's the other side of the camp, "Yay, I'm a stay-at-home mom and I have the freedom to just bum it out on the couch all day!"
Both aren't for me. They may be for other people, but not me. My child will never go to day-care. They have Mommy-care. I understand that some women don't have a choice in the matter, but I am forever thankful to Yah that I do have a choice. I go to great lengths to put healthy, tasty food on the table every night before my Husband gets home. He works all day and it is the least I can do to have a nutritious meal hot and ready for his arrival.
Ooohh, do I hear the femmie camp getting angry?
Yes, I DO believe that there is a spiritual family hierarchy: Yahuah, the Husband, the Wife, and the Children. My husband is my headship. We each have our specific roles within our home. They are very different, yet equal.
My job is to save every penny he earns. I provide nourishment for the family. I keep our home in good order -- clean every morning when we wake, and clean every night before we go to sleep whenever possible. I take care of our son. We both do. And, because I respect myself, I keep my body as in-shape as I can and I don't use "oh, but I've had babies" as an excuse.
My husband goes to work and works hard. He gets dirty. He crawls under houses and deals with the nastiest critters you can imagine. Men work and they work hard! Society doesn't give men the credit and respect they deserve.
This rant isn't directed toward anyone and I don't have a single person in my mind as I write this. I'm just disgusted at what society has turned families into. It truly is sad. It's sad that a woman can't stay at home and provide for her family there and not be treated as "just a mom."
Women -- rejoice that you have a home and a husband and children! It is your kingdom. "In Planet Home, You are Mother Earth." As much as I dislike the whole "mother earth" concept, that's a spot-on statement! Bless your home!
Men -- reclaim your loving responsibility as head of your household and do not abuse that Yah-given position.
Okay. I'm done. :) Time to prepare for Shabbat.