


The Feast of Trumpets - Yom Teruah

"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and shall not blow with the shophar, and the people shall not be warned, and the sword comes and takes any being among them, he is taken away in his crookedness, and his blood I require at the watchman's hand."

Yehezqel (Ezekiel) 33:6

As the Feast of Trumpets approaches next month, I thought I'd write a little bit about this day, the next Set-Apart Day to be fulfilled by Messiah at his Second Coming.

"And Yahuah spoke to Mosheh saying, "Speak to the children of Yisra'el, saying, 'In the seventh new moon, on the first day of the new moon, you have a rest, a remberance of Ter'uah, a set-apart gathering."

Yayyiqra 23:23-24

This particular feast day is very special, because it is the first of the last three that has yet to be fulfilled by the Messiah. What a lot of Christians don't realize is that these feasts are so important. The ones who are observing these feasts will be blessed.

A depiction of the Feast Days.
Yom Teruah is the day of blowing the shofar, the shadowing of the last "trump".

Teruah means "nine blasts of alarm; to awaken the soul".

Why is our soul "awakened" on Yom Teruah? Why is it so important? Could it be that Yom Teruah signals our need to be prepared for the Coming of the Messiah?

"For the Master himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of Elohim, and the dead in Messiah will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Master in the air."

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17


"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."

1 Corinthians 15:51,52)


Psalm 81 is written in honor of this Feast Day:

"Shout for joy to Elohim, our strength;Raise a shout to the Elohim of Ya'aqob.Lift up a song and beat the tambourine,The pleasant lyre and with the harp.Blow a shophar in the New Moon,in the covering for the day of our festival.For this is a law for Yisra'el,And a right-ruling of the Elohim of Ya'aqob.He appointed it in Yehoseph for a witness,When He went throughout the land of Mitsrayim;I heard a language that I did not know.He says, "I removed his shoulder from the burden;His hands were freed from the baskets.You called in distress, and I rescued you;I answered you in the covering of thunder;I proved you at the waters of Meribah.Selah.Hear, O My people, and let Me warn you,O Yisra'el, if you would listen to Me!Let there be no strange mighty one among you,And do not bow down to a foreign mighty one.I am Yahuah your Elohim,Who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim;Open your mouth wide, and I fill it.But My people did not listen to My voice, And Yisra'el would walk in My ways,I would subdue their enemies at once,And turn My hand against their adversaries!Those who hate Yahuah would cringe before Him;And their time of punishment be forever.He would feed them with the finest of wheat;And with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."

But aren't we not supposed to know the hour of his coming? That is true. But Yom Teruah is a foreshadowing of the Coming. Like a rehearsal. 

This year, according to our calendar, the Feast of Trumpets starts at sundown on the 15th until sundown on the 16th. 

We pray that Yahushua Messiah comes soon! Shalom!


Take Back Your Home, Ladies!

This is for the young wives starting out in their new lives with their husbands. This is also for the older mothers who often feel discouraged when faced with "model housekeepers" and their "perfect homes". 

Stop making excuses for yourself. Don't well all always seem to have an excuse for everything that comes up? "Oh, I can't do this because of my _____." Or, "I don't have time for _____ because of ____ and ____." Another one I hear is, "Well, I was going to do ____ but who can do that with children?"

Stop making excuses! Young wives, are you frustrated because you weren't 100% prepared for your housekeeping duties because you weren't trained properly? And older mothers, are you pretty much in the same boat, only you're older?

Take those worn out and tired complaints and put them away. Looking to "I don't know how" or "I was never taught" or even "my children make such a mess" is no way to get your home in order. When you begin to take full responsibility for the state of your life and home, wonderful things happen.

Look at your house -- can everything be found with ease or are you still sifting frantically through piles of paper to find that lost birth certificate or car title you swore you set down at some point? What about those dishes in the sink? The ring in the tub? All the receipts in the bottom of your purse or diaper bag? We all have those days from time to time, but does that need to be the story of your life? No, it doesn't!

Then stand up and take control. You are the Keeper of the Home. You hold the keys to your family's happiness in your hand. Say "no more" to your husband coming home to a mess and no dinner. Say "goodbye" to clutter, but also say "farewell" to perfectionism. 

There are three things I want to share today:

FlyLady.net  This website has changed my life. I am now 100% clutter free by following her easy scheduling and wonderful encouragement. http://www.flylady.net/

How A Foolish Woman Destroys Her Home:

- Complaining
- Being Discontent
- Being Disrespectful To Her Husband In Thought and Action
- Being Lazy
- Allowing Worldly Thoughts To Control Her Life and Decision Making
- Not Submitting To Her Husband
- Not Obeying Yahuah In All Areas of Her Life
- Trying To Dominate Her Husband
- Not Seeking And Listening To Wise Counsel.
- Not Putting Yah First


Go read Proverbs 31. Live it. Every day. No matter what.

Now, get off the computer and go bless your home, your husband, and your children! Remember, busy hands are happy hands!