So, I've been pretty motivated recently as far as making things from scratch goes. I'm working hard on making a braided rug for our sun-room. Who really wants to go out and spend a whole bunch of money on a floor covering when you can just make one? The process is really simple as well, especially for someone like me who has very little sewing skill (and I mean very little...)
When uncoiled, its about four of my hands wide. I'm pretty excited about it. Since I've started doing this, I've been thinking -- what else can I make myself? The DIY-er in me is beginning to come out.
I've been pretty thrifty in the kitchen...I make all of our food from scratch. This summer I grew most of it. I even make my own chocolate chips to go in our cookies (and they taste so much better too.)
Of course, I took to Google to see what other kinds of things I could add to my project list...and lo, and behold...I found something on making your own mattress!
Essentially, its make of straw. I know, right? A straw mattress! You take about a bale of hay and stuff it inside of a mattress cover (or make your own). And there you have it...and comfy mattress. For about 30 dollars.
Here's the link to the website:
There really is so much we can do on our own -- why rely on a flawed system to have what we need? Do you really need a several thousand dollar mattress?
This is the kind of mentality I'm trying to instill in myself and eventually, by my example, in our children. :)